Warframe Reddit Operation Plague Star What You Need to Know


  • 1 Plague Star Appearances
  • 2 Event Synopsis
  • 3 What You Need To Exercise
  • 4 What You Need To Know
  • 5 Issue Rewards
    • 5.one Operational Supply Continuing
    • 5.2 Operational Supply Offerings
    • 5.three Hemocyte Drops
    • v.4 Compensation Rewards
  • six Trivia
  • 7 Media
  • 8 Patch History
  • 9 References

Operation: Plague Star is a reoccurring issue introduced Update 22.3 (2017-11-15), where players are tasked to destroy an Infested meteorite that crashes in the Plains of Eidolon, with its passengers threatening to overwhelm both Ostron and Grineer akin. On the PC build, the event originally began on November xv, 2017 and ran until November 27, 2017.

Unlike most events in WARFRAME, Operation: Plague Star is a reoccurring result, with the Infested "boil" regrowing every several months and the Tenno are called on to cull it once more than.

Plague Star Appearances [ ]

Effect Start Event End Total Duration
Beginning Advent Nov 15, 2017 (PC)
December i, 2017 (PS4 and XB1) [ane]
Nov 27, 2017 (PC)
Dec 18, 2017 (PS4 and XB1)
i week, five days (PC)
2 weeks, 3 days (PS4 and XB1)
Beginning Reappearance Apr five, 2018 (PC) [two]
May 10, 2018 (PS4 and XB1) [three]
Apr 17, 2018 (PC)
May 22, 2018 (PS4 and XB1)
i week, 5 days
Second Reappearance September 19, 2018 (PC) [4]
November two, 2018 (PS4 and XB1) [5]
September 30, 2018 (PC)
November 13, 2018 (PS4 and XB1)
1 week, four days
Third Reappearance June 14, 2019 (All Platforms) [6]* June 26, 2019 (All Platforms)* ane week, five days
4th Reappearance Jan 17, 2020 (All Platforms) [7] January 27, 2020 (All Platforms) 1 week, 3 days
5th Reappearance September 8, 2021 (All Platforms) [8] September 30, 2021 (All Platforms) iii weeks, i day

*This was the kickoff fourth dimension this consequence happened for Nintendo Switch players, also every bit the first fourth dimension the event would happen at the same time with the aforementioned duration on all platforms.

Event Synopsis [ ]

Rally your Squad and defend the Plains of Eidolon!

A mysterious meteorite has crashed only exterior of Cetus revealing a horrific eddy. The boil is growing and the Ostrons have sighted Infested life forms emerging from it. We need to deed at present earlier they make their way to Cetus.

Konzu has received reports that Vay Hek possesses a toxin that tin can destroy the boil. But Vay Hek won't help; he sees this infested boil as a means to rid the Plains of Cetus of the Ostrons.

We need to obtain a batch of the toxin and destroy the boil earlier it becomes unstoppable. Visit Konzu in Cetus to acquire his plan for retrieving the toxin from Vay Hek.

What You Demand To Do [ ]

A Grineer Thrax Toxin storage container in a cave. Note that they are non-interactible exterior of the Plague Star bounty.

  • For the duration of the event Konzu has a specific Plague Star Compensation where players are tasked with stealing the Toxin from the Grineer and using it on the boil. The Compensation is divided into four phases;
    • First, players must raid the Grineer's Thrax Toxin storage, which is located in one of the various Caves that dot the plains. The Toxin storage unit has a rounded pyramid shape dotted with yellow lights, with orangish fluid visible inside of it and a container ascension and sinking on superlative of it. It is generally located at the far end of the cavern.
    • After acquiring the Thrax Toxin, players must head to a Toxin mixer, which will spawn in an Armored Vault in a given Grineer outpost. Once the Toxin is put in the mixer, players must then defend the mixer for 3 minutes from Grineer troops.
      • During the mixing stage, players may opt to add either Eidolon Phylaxes and/or Infested Catalysts, increasing the Standing reward from the compensation in exchange for increased difficulty later on. Up to 4 of each can be mixed with the Toxin.
      • The pattern for Eidolon Phylaxis is purchasable from the Operational Supply Syndicate, which is available during the event, while the blueprint for the Infested Catalyst is available from Association Bio Lab Research.
    • Once the Toxin is mixed, players are instructed to head to a downed Grineer Drone which volition deliver the Toxin to the boil. As with Drone Hijack missions, players must defend the drone from Grineer and Infested attackers equally it travels to the boil.
    • When the Drone reaches the eddy, the eddy responds past spawning Infested to defend itself. Here players must thin out the Infested horde while the Toxin poisons the boil, with a percentage gauge denoting their progress. The decisions made during the Mixing stage bear upon the difficulty of this stage;
      • For every Eidolon Phylaxis mixed with the Toxin, both the density of the Infested and their level range increases, upwardly to level thirty if 4 Phylaxes were added.
      • For every Infested Catalyst mixed with the Toxin, a Hemocyte volition spawn at specific points, pausing the percentage gauge until players defeat it. The Hemocyte can spawn up to 4 times if four Catalysts were added, with its level(south) affected by the presence or absence of Eidolon Phylaxis. Check its page for more than details.
    • One time the gauge reaches 100%, the Compensation is completed, awarding a variable amount of Continuing based on how many Eidolon Phylaxes and/or Infested Catalysts were mixed with the Toxin. Players are gratuitous to remain on the Plains, render to Cetus or visit a bounty tent to undertake the mission again.

What You lot Demand To Know [ ]

  • Throughout the elapsing of the event, the Infestation will spawn on the Plains of Eidolon regardless if the player is doing the Compensation or not, and will assault nearby Tenno, Grineer, and fifty-fifty the Eidolons during the night.
    • The Infested will consist solely of Chargers, Runners, Leapers, Volatile Runners, Aboriginal Disruptors, Tar Mutalist MOAs, and Mutalist Ospreys conveying normal Crawlers.
    • Infested Spawn Pods, much similar the ones spawned past Boilers, tin be found throughout the Plains, either on the Plains as is or falling from the sky.
  • The boil deals 200 DmgToxinSmall64.pngToxin damage per second to any Tenno standing on or even flying close to it, so players are advised to stay away from it as much as possible.
    • The damage volition not affect enemies in whatever style, allowing them to walk on the eddy without event.
    • In the event that a player does get knocked downward from the boil'due south harm, it is recommended to use a Revive instead of someone risking a rescue, as the damage may bring the rescuer(south) downwardly as well.

Event Rewards [ ]

Operational Supply Standing [ ]

Main commodity: Operational Supply
  • The base standing reward is 1,000. An extra 250 is rewarded per Eidolon Phylaxis and 250 per Infested Goad mixed into the toxin, for an additional 2,000 continuing points. The tertiary stage has a bonus objective that grants fifty standing. Thus a maximum possible standing reward of three,050.
  • Different most events, players can select their Operation Rewards through the Operational Supply Syndicate, which is only accessible from Nakak during Functioning: Plague Star. The Syndicate has its own rank arrangement, and players can spend the Continuing gained from the Plague Star bounty on the post-obit rewards;
Rank & Title Cede Benefits Continuing
(Minimum to Maximum)
FactionSigilOperationalSupplyLevel3 b.png
3 - Champion
10 Nistlepod.pngNistlepod 20,000 Credits Credits64.png 20,000
iii,000 Standing ReputationBlackx64.png 3,000
Access to Rank 3 wares
One costless Rank three detail from Operational Supply
0 to 494,000
FactionSigilOperationalSupplyLevel2 b.png
ii - Defender
10 Iradite.pngIradite 10,000 Credits Credits64.png ten,000
2,000 Standing ReputationBlackx64.png two,000
Admission to Rank 2 wares
One free Rank two item from Operational Supply
0 to 3,000
FactionSigilOperationalSupplyLevel1 b.png
1 - Collaborator
10 Grokdrul.pngGrokdrul
five,000 Credits Credits64.png 5,000
1,000 Standing ReputationBlackx64.png 1,000
Access to Rank 1 wares
One costless Rank 1 detail from Operational Supply
0 to 2,000
0 - Neutral
- - Admission to base wares 0 to 1,000

Operational Supply Offerings [ ]


Rank 0: Neutral

Fosfor Blau (x20) Blueprint


Rank 0: Neutral

Fosfor Rahd (x20) Blueprint


Rank 0: Neutral

Plague Star Emblem


Rank 0: Neutral

Cetus Wisp


Rank 0: Neutral

Radian Sentirum


Rank 0: Neutral

Heart Nyth


Rank 0: Neutral

Murkray Liver


Rank 0: Neutral

Norg Brain


Rank 0: Neutral

Cuthol Tendrils


Rank 0: Neutral



Rank 0: Neutral



Rank 0: Neutral



Rank one: Collaborator

Eidolon Phylaxis (x5) Blueprint


Rank ane: Collaborator

Snipetron Blueprint


Rank ane: Collaborator

Ether Daggers Blueprint


Rank ii: Defender

Exodia Contagion


Rank 2: Defender

Exodia Epidemic


Rank iii: Champion

Ghoulsaw Blueprint


Rank 3: Champion

Ghoulsaw Blade Blueprint


Rank 3: Champion

Ghoulsaw Chassis Blueprint


Rank 3: Champion

Ghoulsaw Engine Blueprint


Rank 3: Champion

Ghoulsaw Grip Blueprint


Rank 3: Champion

Butcher's Revelry


Rank three: Champion

Plague Akwin Blueprint


Rank three: Champion

Plague Keewar Blueprint


Rank three: Champion

Plague Bokwin Blueprint


Rank 3: Champion

Plague Kripath Blueprint

Hemocyte Drops [ ]

  • On defeat, the Hemocyte may drop one of six mods of the Hunter Modern Fix, which consists of the following mods:
  • Additionally, the Hemocyte will also drop a Hemocyte Cystolith, which is a required component for constructing a Clan trophy.
  • If a actor wishes to acquire all the sectional rewards (excluding gear items) the player will need a full, from 0, 133,500 (127,500 from rank 3) standing. This excludes items such as Fosfor and Ether Daggers as those are institute elsewhere but does include the Snipetron. Depending on the utilize of the mixable gear will vastly shorten the required runs. From rank 3 using 0/four 0/4 volition crave 104.5 runs, [0/4]/4 [4/0]/4 will require 52.25 runs, and 4/4 4/4 volition require only 34.83~ runs.

Bounty Rewards [ ]

Trivia [ ]

  • This event was first teased as a shooting star crossing the sky over the Plains of Eidolon later on Update 22.two (2017-11-01), and officially announced during Devstream 100 on November 3, 2017, with the meteoroid crashing into the Plains at 3pm EST in the heart of the Devstream.
    • The event was supposed to beginning shortly after it crashed into the Plains, but various problems led to the effect being delayed until November 15, 2017.
  • The meteoroid was instantly visible in the Plains after the official announcement. Players that were on the Plains during the event could come across it after leaving to Cetus and re-entering.
  • As of Update 30.7 (2021-09-08), this event has the most opposing factions present in ane mission: the Tenno, the Grineer, the Infested, and, at night time, the Sentients and Vasca Kavats.
    • The Steel Path will as well spawn an Acolyte every few minutes, bringing the total number of factions to six.
  • During the last phase of the bounty, the Lotus may tell the player that the toxin has caused the boil to undergo peristalsis, which is a one-way muscular contraction/relaxation moving ridge commonly associated with the digestive tract.

Media [ ]

Warframe: HOW TO SPEEDRUN Operation PLAGUE STAR Outcome

Warframe - Operation PLAGUE STAR - Complete Guide

Functioning Plague Star, Equally Fast Every bit Possible

Patch History [ ]

Hotfix 30.7.3 (2021-09-10)

  • Stock-still Infested enemy spawns in Plague Star fleeing to Cetus when attempting to play the Bounty back to back.

Hotfix xxx.7.2 (2021-09-09)

  • Stock-still an extremely precise Loki Switch Teleport on the Plague Star Escort Drone resulting in ability to skip most of the 3rd Compensation stage wherein players were sending the Drone off-navigation into a Sniper Belfry as an exploit.

Update 30.vii (2021-09-08)


Plague Star has returned and runs from Sept 8 at 2pm ET to Sept 30 at 2pm ET, Tenno!

- NEW: Ghoulsaw & Butcher'south Revelry Stance!

  • Hemocyte is now immune to annexation abilities that often didn't fully work due to how quickly the trunk despawns (Hydroid'south Tentacle Swarm with Pilfering Swarm, Nekros' Desecrate etc).
    • With the re-run of Plague Star, we are adding Nidus Prime's Relics as in-world drops from the Hemocyte. This change was brought forth with this in heed, and the conquering rate of this new Prime that could exist influenced with boodle abilities which is not a precedent we wish to set. With upwards to 4 Hemocytes that tin spawn in the final stage information technology felt especially important to make this change.
  • Fixed power to ride on top of the Plague Star Infested boil with 1000-Drives (and other similar vehicles) which resulted in taking no impairment.
  • Nosotros take made the following fixes for Plague Star:
    • We fixed an issue where the Plague Star Compensation drone would automatically commencement without being hacked once the thespian was in its proximity.
    • Fixed an issue where Nakak was talking to herself silently afterward you looked at the Offerings page

Hotfix xxx.6.1 (2021-08-10)

  • While not currently applicable, we felt it important to note that nosotros've fabricated improvements towards Drone pathing in Plague Star that resulted in the Drone becoming stuck, or stopping curt of the Infested Eddy. While this logic does comport over to the normal Drone escort mission in the Plains of Eidolon, in that location are some distinct differences due to the specific path it takes in each scenario.

Update 25.seven (2019-08-29)

  • Better optimized pathing for the Plague Star Drone for side by side Performance re-run.

Hotfix 25.1.3 (2019-06-fourteen)

  • Reintroduced.
  • More than dorsum-end fixes for Plague Star.

Hotfix 23.viii.two (2018-09-19)

  • Reintroduced.

Update 22.20 (2018-05-17)

  • Fixed Dargyns being able to spawn in cave systems during Plague Star.

Update 22.eighteen (2018-04-20)

  • Fixed Host migrating while fighting the Hemocyte causing bonus Analogousness to be lost for using Infested Catalysts and Eidolon Phylaxis.

Hotfix 22.17.3 (2018-04-eleven)

  • Improved balance between Vomvalyst and Infested enemy spawns during the Plague Star occurrence at dark.
  • Lephantis and Hemocyte healthbar will at present move to the advisable heads when they are being aimed at.

Hotfix 22.17.2 (2018-04-x)

  • Fixed some behavior issues for the Hemocyte that was causing it to frequently plough on the spot.

Hotfix 22.17.1 (2018-04-05)

  • Reintroduced.
  • Fixed Ember's Fireblast unintentionally melting Lephantis/Hemocyte heads similar a popsicle in July when cast direct on top of them.

Update 22.4 (2017-11-23)

  • Improved the pathing of the hijacked Drone in the Plains. This likewise fixes problems where the Drone would become stuck on its way to the Eddy in Functioning: Plague Star.

Hotfix 22.3.five (2017-11-twenty)

  • Fixed the Mixer Vault door remaining closed if you already opened the Mixer Vault before getting the Toxin.
  • Stock-still leaving the Mixer Defence objective area resulting in breaking the Mixer.
  • Fixed the Plague Star Ancient Infested head of Lephantis snapping to an extreme bending prior to aiming.
  • Fixed an incorrect objective waypoint if the Toxin Dispenser in Stage 1 was activated too early.
  • Fixes towards a script error when Lephantis spawns.

Hotfix 22.3.iv (2017-11-16)

  • Decreased the Operational Supply Standing requirements to their intended values and updated the Sacrifice requirements. New Standing requirements:
    • Rank 1 = yard Standing.
    • Rank 2 = 3000 Continuing.
    • Rank 3 = 6000 Standing.
  • Refunded the component portion of Operational Supply Sacrifices. New Sacrifice requirements:
    • The 2x Neurodes Cede to Collaborator has been replaced with 10x Grokdrul.
    • The Forma Sacrifice to Defender has been replaced with 10x Iradite.
    • The Mutagen Sample Cede to Champion has been replaced with 10x Nistlebrush.
  • Fixes towards the Plague Star Bounty declining on Stage 2.
  • Fixes towards the hijacked Drone getting stuck while navigating to the boil.
  • Fixed Infested driblet pods spawning far away or on top of the eddy.
  • Stock-still the Infested Catalyst not beingness Chat linkable for those that own it.

Hotfix 22.three.3 (2017-11-16)

  • Konzu at present explains that rewards are at Nakak for the Operation.

Hotfix 22.3.2 (2017-11-fifteen)

  • Removed "Clear Remaining.." stage of the Operation.
  • Increased likelihood of encountering Infested in the Plains.
  • Reduced chance to receive Lens from Functioning Compensation.
  • Fixed some other common crash during the Functioning.
  • Fixed console being invisible for Clients in the Functioning.
  • Fixed Infested pods in the Operation not showing VFX when destroyed.
  • Stock-still a script mistake that could occur for clients during the Operation.
  • Fixed Infested Scream FX now showing for Clients.

Update 22.three (2017-11-15)

  • Introduced.

References [ ]

  1. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/876895-live-pc-operation-plague-star/
  2. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/941681-pcoperation-plague-star-meteorite-spotted-on-the-plains-of-eidolon/
  3. https://twitter.com/PlayWarframe/status/994646035447336960
  4. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1010351-pc-performance-plague-star-returns/
  5. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1024127-operation-plague-star-returns-on-ps4-xb1/
  6. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1102892-performance-plague-star-on-all-platforms/
  7. https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1162521-operation-plague-star-on-all-platforms/
  8. https://twitter.com/PlayWarframe/status/1431324001939431427


Source: https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Operation:_Plague_Star

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